The Institute has acquired and developed modern laboratory facilities over the years to conduct research on Goat Genetics and Breeding, Feed Resource Development & Utilization, Nutrition, Physiology, Reproduction, Management, Diagnosis & Prevention of Diseases, Transfer of Improved Technologies and Milk and Meat Products Technology. The Coordinating Unit of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Goat Improvement was also transferred to CIRG from the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar. SANJEEV KUMAR BALYAN in Rajya Sabha Today.The Central Institute for Research on Goats (CIRG) was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India at Makhdoom village near Farah town in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh on July12, 1979 for undertaking research on all aspects of goat production and utilization. This Information was given by THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRYING DR.
#Central sheep breeding farm upgrade
To upgrade the skills of field Veterinarians and para-vets in breed improvement and animal health.The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying had supported the proposal. To Provide hands on training to the entrepreneurs in various fields of livestock sector by establishing demonstration farms and Technology park.To create awareness about improved livestock management practices through video lessons, pamphlets and skill demonstrations.

To cater to the needs of farmers and entrepreneurs of the State or Nation in various Animal Husbandry activities.To improve their living standards and also skills.To impart on campus and off campus training on livestock and poultry farming to farmers. Telangana State Centre of Excellence for Livestock Development has been proposed to be setup at Large Scale Sheep Breeding Farm (LSSBF), Mamidipally, Maheswaram mandal, Rangareddy district with a financial outlay of Rs.18.50 Crore under Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojna 2019-20 with the following objectives: of Telangana with the assistance of Govt. To escalate the level of training, to involve technical hands and field practitioners for providing hands on exposure with class room orientation, field exposures and other training techniques, it has been proposed to establish a centre of excellence by Govt. Training programmes to the farmers on increasing of milk production, maintenance of livestock health, sheep rearing and so on are organized at field level. However, with the continuous efforts of the State Governments and Central Government they are slowly adopting modern scientific practices of sheep rearing like regular deworming, ecto-parasiticidal dipping, vaccination and health care management.Īnimal Husbandry Department, Government of Telangana has informed that post formation of State of Telangana, the State Government has initiated steps for skill development for various traditional practices adopted. They have gained skill through their experience. Most of the sheep is reared by various shepherd communities through traditional practices for generation after generation. Sheep rearing is practiced based on the geo-climatic condition in the region and availability of resources. There are huge opportunities for employment in sheep rearing for the poor.

It is a fact that there is high demand of Sheep meat and manure, however, it is restricted to few States.